Latest Money & Credit

Clark Howard: How to add gold to your portfolio Money & Credit March 23rd, 2017
help Gold guide: Buying gold the Clark Smart way With worries about the value of the dollar, people are continually…
Financial Resources Money & Credit March 23rd, 2017
Financial Resources Banking sites: This Web site provides a great database of mortgages, loans and certificates of deposit. You…
How to order your credit reports when your credit file is frozen Money & Credit March 23rd, 2017
Order your credit reports when your credit file is frozen You can still order your credit reports when your credit…
4 ways to claim free money owed to you
4 ways to claim free money owed to you Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
There is an estimated $60 billion out there in unclaimed money and some of it could be yours!  Unclaimed money…
Resist the urge to borrow against your 401(k)
Resist the urge to borrow against your 401(k) Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Top 5 Reasons Not To Borrow From Your 401(k) Think Twice Before Taking Out a 401(k) Loan Clark's Investment Guide…
Cash your tax refund at Walmart for free
Cash your tax refund at Walmart for free Deals & Savings March 22nd, 2017
Walmart says save money, but do you really? This time you do. Because Walmart  has a special offer for your…
Should you borrow against your 401(k)?
Should you borrow against your 401(k)? Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
When you borrow against your 401(k), you're borrowing from yourself and paying yourself back, right? Not so fast. Clark has…
The #1 factor for when you’ll be able to retire
The #1 factor for when you’ll be able to retire Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
It's the #1 factor that will determine how early you can retire…or whether you'll be able to retire at all.…
Credit card offers 5% back on all Amazon Prime purchases
Credit card offers 5% back on all Amazon Prime purchases Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Amazon just rolled out another major perk for its Prime members: A new credit card that offers 5% cash-back on…
Here’s how easy it was to find free money in my name
Here’s how easy it was to find free money in my name Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
A close relative of mine sent me a text message a few years ago to say that she discovered there…
6 ways to hack your holiday bills
6 ways to hack your holiday bills Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
The holidays represent a celebration of faith and a fun time with family, yet they’re far from cheap. After buying…
10 ways to lower your utility bill
10 ways to lower your utility bill Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Last year, most of us in the colder states got lucky with one of the warmest winters on record. We…
Amazon is hiring 120,000 workers for the holidays
Amazon is hiring 120,000 workers for the holidays Jobs March 22nd, 2017
If you’re looking to make some extra cash, Amazon is hiring more than 120,000 workers for seasonal positions at its…
Best ways to improve your credit score
Best ways to improve your credit score Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Let’s do a quick overview of credit scores, and then we’ll get into what you can do to improve it!…
Should you refinance your home to pay off your credit card debt?
Should you refinance your home to pay off your credit card debt? Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
When you’re struggling with debt, it’s easy to go for the solution that will bring you the quickest relief. Many…
Pet insurance: Is it worth it?
Pet insurance: Is it worth it? Insurance March 22nd, 2017
Buying pet insurance could end up costing you more in the long run. Read more: These 11 dog breeds are…
The #1 mistake you’re making on your credit card application
The #1 mistake you’re making on your credit card application Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
It can be painful to have your credit card application rejected. Besides losing out on any rewards and benefits that you…
How to save for healthcare and retirement at the same time
How to save for healthcare and retirement at the same time Health Insurance March 22nd, 2017
It's no secret that Clark is a fan of HSA's, or Health Savings Accounts. Although they're not for everybody, HSAs can…
How 6 small lifestyle changes saved a woman $1,200 a month
How 6 small lifestyle changes saved a woman $1,200 a month Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
We've said it plenty of times before and we'll say it again -- little expenses can cost you a lot more…
How 50-somethings should plan for retirement
How 50-somethings should plan for retirement Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Odds are, if you are in your 50s, you have thought about retirement at one time or another. Regardless of whether this…
Why newer cars are breaking down at an alarming rate
Why newer cars are breaking down at an alarming rate Cars March 22nd, 2017
AAA says it had to rescue a record-breaking 32 million drivers in 2015, and it wasn’t just drivers of older…
7 reasons you’re less productive in the summer
7 reasons you’re less productive in the summer Jobs March 22nd, 2017
Americans are terrible at taking vacations, and that’s a shame, because they aren’t helping their companies or themselves. People are…
Walmart is giving away one month of free shipping
Walmart is giving away one month of free shipping Deals & Savings March 22nd, 2017
If you like shopping on, you’re going to love this offer: 30 days of free shipping! It's a promotion…
How to negotiate with a creditor to settle your credit card debt
How to negotiate with a creditor to settle your credit card debt Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Have you fallen behind on your credit card payments? Do you have old credit card debts that haven’t been serviced…
American Express makes last ditch effort to retain Costco customers
American Express makes last ditch effort to retain Costco customers Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Costco is ready to flip the switch on its new credit card partnership with Citibank come June 20. That's going…
Banks collect $14 billion from this one fee (but you can avoid paying it)
Banks collect $14 billion from this one fee (but you can avoid paying it) Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
If you've ever been hit with an overdraft fee on your personal checking account, you'll probably never forget it. The…
Target-date retirement funds perfect for ‘set it and forget it’ investing
Target-date retirement funds perfect for ‘set it and forget it’ investing Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
When you started your 401(k) at work, you were probably handed a plan document that nobody but a Wall Streeter…
8 mistakes to avoid so you don’t go broke in retirement
8 mistakes to avoid so you don’t go broke in retirement Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
After all the years you've spent building your nest egg for retirement and the hard work you've put in, you'll want…
Alternative credit scores rise up to challenge FICO
Alternative credit scores rise up to challenge FICO Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Like everything else in life, the way lenders look at your credit is undergoing a big change. New credit scoring…
Best Places to Save Money and Earn Interest
Best Places to Save Money and Earn Interest Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
The best place to save your money largely depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance, timeline for needing access to…