Latest Money & Credit

New danger when using a debit card at the gas pump!
New danger when using a debit card at the gas pump! Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Are you still using debit for pay at the pump? There's a real risk that you need to know about...…
Should you close your credit card?
Should you close your credit card? Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Closing out credit cards that you don’t use anymore might seem like a good idea at first glance, but if…
5 ways to build credit and save money in your 20s
5 ways to build credit and save money in your 20s Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Most of us have either heard about or lived through the war stories of the struggling 20-something. The crammed apartments,…
Over 40 with no retirement savings? Take these 5 steps
Over 40 with no retirement savings? Take these 5 steps Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
When Leslie Tayne turned 40, her retirement savings, like those of many Americans, were nonexistent. Tayne, founder of New York…
2 reasons to never use a debit card at a gas station
2 reasons to never use a debit card at a gas station Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Oh, the poor beleaguered debit card. If you carry one and use it at a gas station, you are asking…
The real cost of that 401(k) loan
The real cost of that 401(k) loan Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Borrowing against your 401(k) It might be tempting to borrow against your 401(k), but have you ever thought of the…
The places you should never use a debit card
The places you should never use a debit card Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Debit card account fraud is on the rise. I want to tell you the best way I know to protect…
7 ways to avoid money fights with your spouse
7 ways to avoid money fights with your spouse Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
It's common for couples to argue about money. Disagreements on just about anything are bound to happen when two people with different perspectives,…
The best and quickest way to improve your credit score
The best and quickest way to improve your credit score Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Like it or not, a person’s credit score can make a world of difference when it comes to life events…
5 frugal activities that align with the habits of the wealthy
5 frugal activities that align with the habits of the wealthy Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Do you think frugal activities are only for those who struggle financially? Many people often associate thrifty ways with those…
Easy ways to get more storage on your smartphone
Easy ways to get more storage on your smartphone Mobile & Electronics March 22nd, 2017
If you use your smartphone for everything in your life -- from taking photos to managing your finances, you've probably…
Best balance transfer and 0% interest credit cards
Best balance transfer and 0% interest credit cards Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
If you're buried under a big pile of credit card debt -- with high interest fees -- you may want…
How to start saving for retirement at age 40
How to start saving for retirement at age 40 Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
There’s something about reaching the big 4-0 that often causes you to re-evaluate your direction in life. And when you…
Clark’s rules for lending to family and friends
Clark’s rules for lending to family and friends Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
After one college football fan's approach to getting beer money via Venmo was nationally televised on a game day, the…
Saving for retirement: What to do in your 30s
Saving for retirement: What to do in your 30s Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
For most people in their 30s, life can feel like a breathless uphill run on a downward escalator. Everything seems…
5 ways to keep your financial information safer from hackers
5 ways to keep your financial information safer from hackers Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Hey, do you mind if I try to guess one of your passwords? No? Okay, how about “123456? or “password”?…
Know Your Real Credit Score
Know Your Real Credit Score Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
What is a credit score? Your true credit score is a number between 300 and 850 that evaluates your risk…
The spending habits of millionaires revealed
The spending habits of millionaires revealed Budgeting & Saving March 22nd, 2017
What makes a millionaire? It's not winning the lottery or inheriting money, despite some common misconceptions. As Clark has said,…
A Clark Smart alternative to ATM fees at your big bank
A Clark Smart alternative to ATM fees at your big bank Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Instead of applause from the giant monster mega-banks thanking us for bailing them out, we're getting one hand clapping. Do…
A new scheme to collect on old debt
A new scheme to collect on old debt Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
There is a new tactic in bill collection that I need to make sure you know about. David Lazarus of…
A new scheme to collect on old debt
New gold vending machine highlights gold mania Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
CLARKONOMICS: Want to turn your dollars into gold? You can do that, literally, thanks to a new gold vending machine…
Gold fever means you should tread carefully
Gold fever means you should tread carefully Investing & Retirement March 22nd, 2017
As I travel around the country on book tour for Living Large in Lean Times, I've been asked questions about…
Gold fever means you should tread carefully
Bank of America’s new $5 monthly fee on debit cards Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
I hate to say I told you so about the latest debacle with Bank of America charging a $5 monthly…
Target-retirement funds help take the mystery out of investing
Target-retirement funds help take the mystery out of investing Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
When you started your 401(k) at work, you were probably handed a plan document that nobody but a Wall Streeter…
Discover wants to be an online banking giant
Discover wants to be an online banking giant Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
There's a new sheriff in town offering great deals on banking from a very unlikely source. If you're familiar with…
Clark’s golden rule for investing in gold
Clark’s golden rule for investing in gold Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Gold has fallen from its peak a few years ago down to $1,100 an ounce. Some analysts even think it…
A Comprehensive Look At The 20 Best Credit Card Perks
A Comprehensive Look At The 20 Best Credit Card Perks Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Credit cards are much more than pieces of plastic that loan you money. These days, credit issuers offer some great…
Should I Pay Off My Mortgage Early?
Should I Pay Off My Mortgage Early? Homes & Real Estate March 22nd, 2017
When people ask me whether or not they should pay off their mortgage, my answer is always, unequivocally YES. There…
Fee-Free Mobile Banking Coming From Walmart
Fee-Free Mobile Banking Coming From Walmart Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Walmart is aiming to capture the hearts and wallets of "the great unbanked" with a new mobile banking service. For…
Is a Financial Planner Worth the Cost?
Is a Financial Planner Worth the Cost? Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Is a financial planner worth the cost? Is it a smart money move to dedicate some of that hard-earned cash…