Latest Health Insurance

Clark Howard: Why I Think Medicare Advantage Plans Stink
Clark Howard: Why I Think Medicare Advantage Plans Stink Health Insurance July 26th, 2024
If you're approaching your 65th birthday, you may be shocked by how many solicitations you're getting from Medicare Advantage plans.…
10 Ways To Save on Prescription Drugs
10 Ways To Save on Prescription Drugs Health Insurance July 16th, 2024
In an era of rising health care costs, almost everyone is looking to save money on prescription drugs. In this…
Ask Clark Howard and Team Clark
Where Should I Set Up My Health Savings Account (HSA)? Health Insurance April 26th, 2024
Pop quiz: What's money expert Clark Howard's favorite tax-advantaged retirement tool? If you guessed Roth IRA, we can't blame you.…
Ask Clark Howard and Team Clark
Is an HSA the Best Way To Save for Future Medical Expenses? Health February 12th, 2024
The average American underestimates how much it will cost to pay for healthcare in retirement by an enormous sum. According…
insurance claims denial
What Should You Do if Your Insurance Claim Is Denied? Health Insurance September 29th, 2023
Sooner or later, you’ll likely have to file a health insurance claim. You may think it’s a straightforward process that…
Ask Clark Howard and Team Clark
The Hospital Mistakenly Charged Me $25,000 for a Rabies Shot. What Do I Do? Health August 17th, 2023
The only thing worse than an unexpected trip to the emergency room is the hospital bill that comes later. Even…
What is long-term care insurance and how much does it cost? Money expert Clark Howard has answers about LTCI.
What Is Long-Term Care Insurance Cost & Coverage Insurance July 13th, 2023
The list of things I want to do when I retire includes traveling, logging some quality family time and eating…
Ask Clark money column
Why You Should Always Ask Your Pharmacist the Price of Your Prescription Without Insurance Health Insurance July 6th, 2023
Budget-conscious people tend to try hard to save money on cell phone plans, streaming (or cable) and groceries. But there's…
Is Medical Tourism Right for You?
Is Medical Tourism Right for You? Health March 16th, 2023
Fed up with the high cost of health care, you may consider traveling across the country to get the surgeries…
"What is an HSA" and "what are the HSA contribution limits in 2021" are common health insurance questions.
What Is an HSA Account and How Does It Work? Health Insurance October 20th, 2022
If you’re enrolled in a high-deductible health plan at work, you may have been offered the option of an HSA.…
The FSA spending rules may be different in 2021. Depending on your company, you may be able to roll over all your FSA funds into the new year.
Why You May Not Need To Spend Your Entire FSA This Year Health Insurance December 20th, 2021
If you walk into a retail pharmacy chain, you may be convinced that you have to spend every dollar you…
free COBRA health insurance
Free COBRA Health Insurance: 3 Things To Know Health Insurance March 18th, 2021
If you’ve lost your job recently, your main concern besides finding a new one might be the loss of your…
Piggy bank with flexible spending account FSA for health care written on it
What Is a Flexible Spending Account? Health Insurance March 27th, 2020
People often have a lot of questions about signing up for health insurance at work. One of the most common…
Health savings account
What Is an HSA? Health Insurance March 25th, 2020
When you're signing up for health insurance at work, you may see the acronym "HSA" and wonder to yourself, “What…
Medical bill from the hospital
Can a Patient Advocate Help With Your Medical Bills? Health Insurance January 28th, 2020
When you're facing a debilitating or life-threatening illness, it's nice to know you have someone in your corner to help…
Woman with perfect smile in a dentist office
How to Buy Individual Dental Insurance Health Insurance January 21st, 2020
If you're concerned about buying dental insurance and worried about the price, you're not alone. According to, more than…
Walmart Health storefront in Dallas, Georgia
8 Things to Know About Walmart Care Clinic and Walmart Health Health Insurance October 18th, 2019
One of the world's largest retailers is getting serious about health care with two initiatives: Walmart Care Clinic and a…
Medical doctor with piggy bank, calculator and cash
Here’s Why You Might Get Money Back From Your Health Insurer This Year Health Insurance October 3rd, 2019
With the rising cost of health care premiums, wouldn't it be nice if your insurer paid you instead of the…
Health savings account guide: Does an HSA make sense for you?
Health savings account guide: Does an HSA make sense for you? Insurance February 27th, 2019
Health savings accounts (HSAs) can be a great way to both plan for the future and meet your health care…
clark howard eyeglasses
Ask Clark: How does vision insurance work? Insurance September 11th, 2018
More and more of us have vision insurance through our employer, but this is one "insurance" policy that's less than…
pharmacist and customer
When paying cash for prescriptions beats using insurance Health August 22nd, 2018
It's usually taken on faith by health care consumers that you can save big money on prescriptions when using your…
medicare card
4 secret Medicare savings programs you should know about Health May 18th, 2018
Having trouble paying your Part A and Part B premiums for in-hospital stays and outpatient visits, respectively? There are several…
How to save money on dental care
How to save money on dental care Insurance April 10th, 2018
As we move closer to open enrollment, it's time to give some thought to your dental plan. Some 64% of…
9 ways to spend your remaining FSA dollars
9 ways to spend your remaining FSA dollars Insurance January 10th, 2018
Do you still have money left in your Flexible Spending Arrangement (or Flexible Spending Account/FSA) and a grace period for…
Clark’s health savings account guide
Clark’s health savings account guide Health August 11th, 2017
HSA Guide Intro Health care in the United States is outrageously expensive as you well know. The problem started in…
Clark’s health savings account guide
Health Insurance Guide Insurance March 23rd, 2017
Choosing a health insurance plan can be one of the most confusing and nerve-wracking processes in life. Should you choose…
How to save for healthcare and retirement at the same time
How to save for healthcare and retirement at the same time Health Insurance March 22nd, 2017
It's no secret that Clark is a fan of HSA's, or Health Savings Accounts. Although they're not for everybody, HSAs can…
5 scary facts about nursing home costs (and what to do about them)
5 scary facts about nursing home costs (and what to do about them) Insurance March 22nd, 2017
Nursing homes aren't all bad. For those with medical needs who require specialized care, a nursing home can provide a…
Health Savings Account Guide
Health Savings Account Guide Insurance March 22nd, 2017
Health care in the United States is outrageously expensive as you well know. The problem started in the 1960s when…
Why Doing an FSA Makes More Sense Than Ever
Why Doing an FSA Makes More Sense Than Ever Insurance March 22nd, 2017
There's a little used benefit most employers offer called a flexible spending account (FSA) for health care. Not familiar with…