Invest & Retire

“Investing can seem so complicated that you might shut down and do nothing about it — or feel you need to hire someone to guide you. However, it doesn’t need to be complex. You probably already have the opportunity to get started right where you work.”


Latest Investing & Retirement

interest rate impact
11 Ways Interest Rate Hikes Will Impact Your Wallet Banks & Banking May 26th, 2022
With the Federal Reserve eager to tamp down inflation, the period of historically low interest rates in the United States…
Should Retirees Be Nervous About the Stock Market Right Now?
Should Retirees Be Nervous About the Stock Market Right Now? Investing & Retirement May 10th, 2022
EVERY MARKET DECLINEis different, but all of them can feel unnerving, even for the most steadfast of investors. Spooked by…
Is a recession coming in the United States?
Is a Recession Coming to the United States in 2022? Investing & Retirement May 6th, 2022
It's possible that we're headed for a recession in the United States right now. However, that may not mean what…
Traditional vs. Roth: A Quick Answer for Your Investments
Traditional vs. Roth: A Quick Answer for Your Investments Investing & Retirement May 5th, 2022
Choosing between a traditional and Roth 401(k) or IRA means sifting through a number of variables. But if you have…
You can buy treasury bonds just like countries, Wall Street firms and wealthy individuals.
Buy U.S. Treasury Bonds: A Conservative Way To Beat Your Savings Account Investing & Retirement May 3rd, 2022
If you're a saver, you've been punished for years with terrible interest rates on your savings account, CDs or money…
What Is a Spousal IRA and What Are the Rules?
What Is a Spousal IRA and What Are the Rules? Investing & Retirement April 13th, 2022
Did you know you can put aside thousands of dollars toward retirement each year through a spousal IRA even if…
Why You Should Never Invest With a Bank
Why You Should Never Invest With a Bank Investing & Retirement March 16th, 2022
Earning interest on loans and charging fees for things such as overdrafts aren't the only way that banks make money.…
Best Investments in 2022: Risks and Rewards for Popular Investment Choices
Best Investments in 2022: Risks and Rewards for Popular Investment Choices Investing & Retirement March 7th, 2022
Having money beyond your day-to-day needs is great. It means that you can save and invest. It also means that…
When Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Instead of Investing?
When Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Instead of Investing? Investing & Retirement February 28th, 2022
Should you pay down your mortgage beyond the minimum or invest instead? If you're among the 85 million American individuals…
When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Use a 529 Plan
When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Use a 529 Plan Children & Pets February 25th, 2022
It's a natural inclination for parents to start thinking about a child's education as soon as their baby is born.…
StockSelloff (2)
Should You Sell or Stay Put in the Stock Market? Investing & Retirement February 24th, 2022
The stock market is incredibly difficult to predict in the short term. The market will decline on plenty of days,…
Why This Retiree Isn’t Afraid To Spend Money
Why This Retiree Isn’t Afraid To Spend Money Investing & Retirement February 18th, 2022
THE DRUMBEATof “retirement crisis” is much too loud. While 54% of retirees believe there’s a national retirement crisis, just 4%describetheir…
Should You Fund Your IRA at Once or Steadily Contribute Throughout the Year?
Should You Fund Your IRA at Once or Steadily Contribute Throughout the Year? Investing & Retirement January 31st, 2022
Saving for your retirement through one of the tax-advantaged tools available in the United States offers you a major financial…
Why a Financial Analyst Switched to a “Do-Nothing” Investment Strategy
Why a Financial Analyst Switched to a “Do-Nothing” Investment Strategy Investing & Retirement January 28th, 2022
I ONCE JOINEDa book club led by an amazingly smart guy. We were reading a challenging book by Nassim NicholasTaleb,…
There’s Still Time To Contribute To Your IRA for 2021
There’s Still Time To Contribute To Your IRA for 2021 Investing & Retirement January 27th, 2022
There's still time to contribute to your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) for 2021. The tax year ended on Dec. 31,…
A Retiree Shares His 5 Best Money Moves in Retirement
A Retiree Shares His 5 Best Money Moves in Retirement Investing & Retirement January 19th, 2022
WHEN FOLKS TALKabout their best financial decisions, they’ll often mention the investments they bought. But my list is quite different.…
10 Cities Where Your Social Security Check Can Cover Housing Costs
10 Cities Where Your Social Security Check Can Cover Housing Costs Investing & Retirement January 18th, 2022
People considering retirement often worry about when to do it -- especially if they're concerned the money they've saved and…
How To Turn $500 a Year Into $100,000 in Retirement
How To Turn $500 a Year Into $100,000 in Retirement Investing & Retirement January 7th, 2022
Earning a giant pile of money is one way to prepare for retirement. But it's not realistic for everyone. Fortunately,…
Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment for 2022 Is 5.9%
Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment for 2022 Is 5.9% Investing & Retirement January 6th, 2022
Have you seen an increase in your Social Security check yet? In October 2021, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced…
Are You Investing or Gambling?
Are You Investing or Gambling? Investing & Retirement December 21st, 2021
MANY TIMES IN MYcareer, I’ve heard people say, “The stock market is just one big casino” or “Buying stocks is…
Ask Clark money column
I Just Bought $10,000 in Series I Savings Bonds. Should I Buy Them Again in 2022? Investing & Retirement December 20th, 2021
Welcome to Ask Clark, a column designed to answer your financial questions, bymoney expert Clark Howard. Should I Buy More…
Why I Decided To Stop Obsessing Over My Investment Portfolio
Why I Decided To Stop Obsessing Over My Investment Portfolio Investing & Retirement December 17th, 2021
TWO MONTHS AGO,Ifessed upto my addiction to financial market news. Despite knowing better, I’ve followed the markets closely for years…
4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Retiring Early
4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Retiring Early Investing & Retirement December 10th, 2021
I RECENTLY LEFT MYjob without having another lined up. Upon quitting, I noticed an immediate mindset shift: I went from…
Unusual temporary inflation usually isn't that bad for the economy, although retirees relying on social security can get hurt.
How Retirees Can Combat Inflation Investing & Retirement December 1st, 2021
Inflation rose to 6.2% in October, the highest level that United States consumers have experienced since 1990. Since inflation erodes…
Are Women Better Investors Than Men?
Are Women Better Investors Than Men? Investing & Retirement November 23rd, 2021
Close your eyes and picture the person in your life you'd ask if you needed investment advice. If that person…
The IRS increased the max 401(k) contribution for 2022 to $20,500.
IRS Announces 401(k) Contribution Limit Increase for 2022 Investing & Retirement November 5th, 2021
The Internal Revenue Service has announced that individuals will be allowed to contribute up to $20,500 to their 401(k) plans…
The 5 Big Mistakes This Career-Long Banker Made in Retirement
The 5 Big Mistakes This Career-Long Banker Made in Retirement Investing & Retirement October 26th, 2021
IT’S EMBARRASSINGto admit in a public forum that I failed at retirement. But I’m doing so—because I think people can…
Is 65 the Best Age To Retire?
Is 65 the Best Age To Retire? Investing & Retirement October 19th, 2021
ONE OF THE VERYbest financial decisions is available to almost every American worker. That’s the good news. The bad news:…
#1 investment mistake to avoid
The Biggest Mistake People Make When Opening an Investment Account Investing & Retirement October 18th, 2021
When opening an investment account such as a traditional or Roth IRA, there's a common mistake people make that could…
Ask Clark money column
Will I Still Get the 5.9% Increase if I Wait To Collect Social Security? Investing & Retirement October 18th, 2021
Welcome to Ask Clark, a column designed to answer your financial questions, bymoney expert Clark Howard. If I Wait To…