Invest & Retire

“Investing can seem so complicated that you might shut down and do nothing about it — or feel you need to hire someone to guide you. However, it doesn’t need to be complex. You probably already have the opportunity to get started right where you work.”


Latest Investing & Retirement

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Stock in Your Own Employer
Why You Shouldn’t Buy Stock in Your Own Employer Money & Credit January 5th, 2018
Are you guilty of making what SmartMoney magazine once called 'The Dumbest Investment Move' in your 401(k) at work? I…
Big 3 discount investment houses go all in on robo-advising
Big 3 discount investment houses go all in on robo-advising Money & Credit January 2nd, 2018
For many years, the Big Three discount investing houses -- Fidelity, Schwab and Vanguard -- operated on a simple full…
Consumers warming up to the idea of robo-advising
Consumers warming up to the idea of robo-advising Money & Credit January 2nd, 2018
Even though robo-advising is still in its infancy, we're already seeing signs that consumers are embracing the idea of getting…
Series I savings bonds and cash
Are bonds a good investment right now? Money & Credit March 24th, 2017
Bonds are under fire. This favored investment of old-money matrons and conservative investors is suddenly controversial with many investors reconsidering…
Investment Guide
Investment Guide Money & Credit March 23rd, 2017
Investing can seem so complicated that some just shut down and do nothing -- or hire a salesperson to guide…
Investment Guide
Clark Howard: How to add gold to your portfolio Money & Credit March 23rd, 2017
help Gold guide: Buying gold the Clark Smart way With worries about the value of the dollar, people are continually…
Resist the urge to borrow against your 401(k)
Resist the urge to borrow against your 401(k) Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Top 5 Reasons Not To Borrow From Your 401(k) Think Twice Before Taking Out a 401(k) Loan Clark's Investment Guide…
Should you borrow against your 401(k)?
Should you borrow against your 401(k)? Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
When you borrow against your 401(k), you're borrowing from yourself and paying yourself back, right? Not so fast. Clark has…
The #1 factor for when you’ll be able to retire
The #1 factor for when you’ll be able to retire Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
It's the #1 factor that will determine how early you can retire…or whether you'll be able to retire at all.…
How to save for healthcare and retirement at the same time
How to save for healthcare and retirement at the same time Health Insurance March 22nd, 2017
It's no secret that Clark is a fan of HSA's, or Health Savings Accounts. Although they're not for everybody, HSAs can…
How 50-somethings should plan for retirement
How 50-somethings should plan for retirement Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Odds are, if you are in your 50s, you have thought about retirement at one time or another. Regardless of whether this…
8 mistakes to avoid so you don’t go broke in retirement
8 mistakes to avoid so you don’t go broke in retirement Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
After all the years you've spent building your nest egg for retirement and the hard work you've put in, you'll want…
Over 40 with no retirement savings? Take these 5 steps
Over 40 with no retirement savings? Take these 5 steps Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
When Leslie Tayne turned 40, her retirement savings, like those of many Americans, were nonexistent. Tayne, founder of New York…
The real cost of that 401(k) loan
The real cost of that 401(k) loan Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Borrowing against your 401(k) It might be tempting to borrow against your 401(k), but have you ever thought of the…
How to start saving for retirement at age 40
How to start saving for retirement at age 40 Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
There’s something about reaching the big 4-0 that often causes you to re-evaluate your direction in life. And when you…
Saving for retirement: What to do in your 30s
Saving for retirement: What to do in your 30s Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
For most people in their 30s, life can feel like a breathless uphill run on a downward escalator. Everything seems…
Saving for retirement: What to do in your 30s
New gold vending machine highlights gold mania Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
CLARKONOMICS: Want to turn your dollars into gold? You can do that, literally, thanks to a new gold vending machine…
Gold fever means you should tread carefully
Gold fever means you should tread carefully Investing & Retirement March 22nd, 2017
As I travel around the country on book tour for Living Large in Lean Times, I've been asked questions about…
Target-retirement funds help take the mystery out of investing
Target-retirement funds help take the mystery out of investing Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
When you started your 401(k) at work, you were probably handed a plan document that nobody but a Wall Streeter…
Clark’s golden rule for investing in gold
Clark’s golden rule for investing in gold Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Gold has fallen from its peak a few years ago down to $1,100 an ounce. Some analysts even think it…
Should I Pay Off My Mortgage Early?
Should I Pay Off My Mortgage Early? Homes & Real Estate March 22nd, 2017
When people ask me whether or not they should pay off their mortgage, my answer is always, unequivocally YES. There…
Is a Financial Planner Worth the Cost?
Is a Financial Planner Worth the Cost? Money & Credit March 22nd, 2017
Is a financial planner worth the cost? Is it a smart money move to dedicate some of that hard-earned cash…
4 Factors That Help Make Investors Successful
4 Factors That Help Make Investors Successful Investing & Retirement June 8th, 2022
A FEW WEEKS BACK, I discussed the notion of “the four horsemen of the investor apocalypse.” A concept proposed by Morningstar Managing Director Don Phillips,…
Social Security cards and $100 bills
How Does Inflation Impact Social Security Benefits? Investing & Retirement June 8th, 2022
ARE YOU IN YOUR 60sand worried about rising consumer prices? It’s worth understanding how inflation affects Social Security benefits—especially its…
A Retiree Answers 11 Common Retirement Questions
A Retiree Answers 11 Common Retirement Questions Investing & Retirement August 2nd, 2022
I SPEND SIGNIFICANTtime reading the viewpoints of people who are planning for retirement or who are already retired. My frequent…
5 Biggest Financial Risks in Retirement
5 Biggest Financial Risks in Retirement Investing & Retirement September 7th, 2022
BOSTON COLLEGE’SCenter for Retirement Research just published a study that explores what Americansthinkare the biggest risks to their retirement—as opposed…
A Financial Advisor’s 3 Key Rules To Getting Rich Slowly
A Financial Advisor’s 3 Key Rules To Getting Rich Slowly Investing & Retirement September 26th, 2022
THE FINANCIAL WORLDgenerates a lot of noise. As a financial planner, I see that every day. Being in my 20s,…
3 Keys To Happiness in Retirement
3 Keys To Happiness in Retirement Investing & Retirement January 30th, 2023
WE LIKE TO ESCAPEthe Northeast’s cold each winter, so we just spent 10 days in Sarasota, Florida. Like many others…
The Two Key Pillars to Financial Freedom
The Two Key Pillars to Financial Freedom Investing & Retirement June 29th, 2023
HOW WOULD YOU DEFINEfinancial freedom? That’s the intriguing question I’ve been asked twice in recent weeks by journalists curious about…
7 Things People Lose in Retirement
7 Things People Lose in Retirement Investing & Retirement August 28th, 2023
WHEN WE RETIRE,we win back control over our daily life. Gone is the boss, the expectation that we’ll be at…