How to get the Apple Watch for $25

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Want to get one of the hottest tech gadgets of the holiday season for as little as $25? John Hancock has you covered!

Read more: 6 health benefits you should never have to pay for

2 ways to get the Apple Watch really cheap through insurance

Just weeks ago, we told you about health insurer Aetna‘s move to become the first major insurer to put the power of the Apple Watch into its customers’ hands this fall via a subsidy program. Now comes word that John Hancock has a similar plan.

Members of the life insurer’s Vitality Program can get an Apple Watch® Series 2 for just $25 (plus tax) and pay nothing more if they exercise regularly. (Offer void in New York.)

Your activity level will be tracked via the Apple Watch and rated on a point system. You can earn points for walking, running, biking, swimming or any number of other fitness activities—and those points will ‘pay’ for the watch.

Here’s what John Hancock says is an acceptable level of daily fitness:

  • Taking > 15,000 steps
  • Burning the minimum number of Active Calories (personalized between 300–1,875) with Apple Watch
  • Burning > 300 calories based on an approved Vitality device
  • Exercising within a target heart rate at an average of 60% of a maximum heart rate for 45 minutes

If you do any of those activities regularly, you’ll easily earn 500 fitness-related Vitality Points each month. And if you earn 500 points each month for 24 months, then you’ll pay no additional money for the watch! has reached out to John Hancock for an explanation of how much you might have to pay if you don’t accumulate 500 points per month. As of press time, we have not had a reply.

Need help shopping for life insurance? See Clark’s guide here.

Is your insurance company holding back a stash of your money?
