Giving Tuesday kicks off holiday season of generosity

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#GivingTuesday sparks holiday generosity

After all the Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday craziness, Giving Tuesday is an effort to bring awareness to the charitable giving side of the holiday season. 

The idea is to make giving to not-for-profits a ‘thing everyone does’ during the holidays. 

Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday on Twitter) was started in 2012 as a way to encourage people to ‘make donations to charities, volunteer and generally support philanthropic efforts.’ 

Read more: Where to donate used toys and goods this holiday season

‘There are so many ways to get involved in #GivingTuesday — in addition to making monetary donations, give blood, give a coat, give your time. There is even a campaign this year to encourage organ donation,’ said Henry Timms, founder of the movement in New York City. 

Read more: Clark’s charity donation guide

Amazingly, after just a few short years, #GivingTuesday raised an estimated $45 million last year, with 15,000 non-profit organizations involved around the U.S., according to the Case Foundation. In addition, there has been a 470% increase in online donations since the movement began, making it an increasingly important day for vital causes all over the world. 

Do you have a favorite charity you plan on giving to this #GivingTuesday? If you are not sure where to give but want to get involved, consider making sure foster kids across Georgia have something to open on Christmas for the 25th Annual Clark’s Christmas Kids, or check out our charity donation guide here
