How to Use Less Mobile Data on Your iPhone or Android

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If you don’t have an unlimited data plan on your phone, going over the limit can give you serious sticker shock when the bill arrives. Luckily, you can avoid accidental overuse by just turning off the data on an iPhone or Android smartphone.

How to Turn Off Mobile Data on iPhone and Android

As you can see in the video above, the steps are simple, but some phones make it even easier with a quick button you can use to turn data on and off.

Quick-Access Mobile Data Buttons

On an iPhone, this button is on the pull-up menu. The icon looks like a cell phone tower as pictured here:

mobile data button iphone

On an Android phone, the button is on the pull-down menu. The icon looks like a down arrow next to an up arrow, pictured here:

mobile data button android

Once you’ve turned off your data, you can still use Wi-Fi where it’s available.

How to Turn Airplane Mode On and Off on iPhone and Android

Another way to use less data is to put your phone into Airplane Mode. Activating this function turns off the mobile data and disables your phone’s ability to send and receive calls and messages. You can still use Wi-Fi while your phone is in Airplane Mode.

Here’s how to turn Airplane Mode on and off:

With these tools, you can manage your data use to make sure you don’t go over your limits to trigger a shocking bill.


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