The #1 Facebook security feature you’re probably not using

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If you want to keep hackers from taking over your Facebook account, there’s a lot more that you can do besides creating a strong password! 

There are two extra security measures in particular that many users haven’t even heard about.

Read more: 7 little-known Facebook hacks you’ve probably never tried

How to activate these extra Facebook security measures 

The first is a login alert, which will send you a notification by email or text when someone tries to access your account from a new location. Turn on this feature from the login alerts section of your security settings page.

In addition to login alerts, login approvals provide an enhanced level of security by asking you to enter a special code when you use your account from a new device.

To activate this feature, click “Login Approvals” from your security settings page.  

Activate this feature to safeguard your Facebook account

Click the box that says “Require a login code to access my account from unknown browsers” and save the changes.

The next time that you use Facebook from an unknown browser, you’ll need a login code, which you can only get from your phone. Of course, that means you’ll need to have a phone number linked to your account.

Activate this feature to safeguard your Facebook account


After activating login alerts and login approvals, it’s a good idea to visit the Security Checkup tool to help you log out of Facebook remotely from unused browsers and apps. 

Read more: 10 tips, tricks and secrets to know about Facebook Messenger

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