What’s the Best Setting for Your Thermostat During the Summer?

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As the weather gets warmer outside, keeping cool inside becomes more of a priority. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to adjust and re-adjust the thermostat — but to what temperature?

This article is going to tell you the best way to cool your home in summer based on some tips from the U.S. Department of Energy. And we’ll let you know at what temperature money expert Clark Howard sets his thermostat.

What Is the Best Thermostat Setting for Summer?

“For summer, when you are not at home, set your thermostat to 78°F,” according to Energy.gov. “With a programmable thermostat, you can program it to return to a preferred temperature before you get home.”

The website also recommends scheduling regular maintenance on your air conditioner to ensure that it’s operating at an optimal level. And make sure you don’t place heat-producing objects such as TVs or lamps near your thermostat, as that could prompt it to turn on your AC unnecessarily.

Where Does Clark Set His Thermostat in the Summer?

Clark has a formula for how he sets his thermostat during the summer:

  • 78 degrees during the day
  • 68 degrees at night
  • 82 degrees when he’s out of town

Here’s How Other Members of Team Clark Cool Their Homes

  • Grace says her ceiling fan has become such a valued part of her home that it has a nickname: Gloria.
  • Clark Howard Inc. General Manager Christa says that she puts her thermostat at 68° at night and 76° during the day.

Home Cooling Myths Busted

Myth #1: Setting the thermostat drastically lower will cool your home more quickly: When you get home, do you dial the thermostat way down to get to a comfortable temperature more quickly? “It will not cool your home any faster and could result in excessive cooling and unnecessary expense,” says Energy.gov.

Myth #2: Keeping the thermostat set at your comfort level will keep your bill low: Looking to save money on your energy bill? Pay attention to what the temperature is outside to know where to set your thermostat inside.

“The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be,” says the DOE website.

Note: Some medications and equipment need to be stored at specific temperatures, so check with your pharmacist before making any big changes to your thermostat.

Where do you keep your thermostat during the summer? Let us know in our Clark.com community.