Opt Out: Credit Card Offers

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How to reduce credit card offers and mailings

The telephone number 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) was set up to establish a single point of contact for consumers to call to request that all three major U.S. credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) remove consumers’ information from the marketing lists and pre-approved credit offer lists sold to third parties. By entering your information, you prevent the credit bureaus from releasing your personal information to credit card companies. As a result, you should receive fewer credit card solicitations in the mail. 

Calling the number in the e-mail will not stop your bank, credit union, brokerage company, etc. from selling your information. For that, you must respond individually to the ‘Privacy Policy’ statements you received from each financial institution in the mail. Or, you must call the institution or company yourself. 

Also, it is ok to enter your Social Security number when prompted for it. The system needs that to verify your identity and remove you from the lists. 
