Free and easy ways to back up your data with cloud storage

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Google is moving beyond search engine dominance with the introduction of a new service that lets users store content in the cloud.

Google Drive offers 5 gigabytes of storage space for documents, videos and photos under a freemium model. If you need more space, you’ll pay $2.49 each month for up to 25 GB.

The introduction of this long-awaited service means that Google is stepping into the cloud computing space in a market share war with Apple, Microsoft and other smaller players.

For example, Apple’s iCloud service also offers 5GB of storage for free, while Microsoft’s SkyDrive offers 7 GB. Other competitors include DropBox (2GB) and Box (5GB).

So if you are looking for offsite storage that’s secure, it’s there for free. My executive producer Christa is getting a new cell phone in a few weeks that has DropBox built-in. So when she takes a picture, it will automatically store a copy on DropBox without her having to do a thing. Now that’s neat!
