Watch out for this new Delta ticket scam on Facebook

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Though Facebook tries to remove fraudulent activity on its site as soon as possible, the social networking site is no stranger to scams.

Some of the more recent scams on Facebook include the Aldi fake coupon scam, the fake friend and family profile scam, the country music singer scam, and the Publix coupon scam.

But now, there is yet another scam going around promising free airline tickets, among other benefits, by pages purporting to be Delta. In actuality, these pages have nothing to do with the real Delta Airlines.

Read more: Warning: Facebook scammers are pretending to be your friends and family

What the fake posts look like

Below are three examples of fake pages pretending to be Delta, but be warned: These pages and posts are not related to Delta at all.

The pages promise free merchandise and free tickets in exchange for liking the page, commenting on the post and sharing the information.

New free Delta ticket scam making the rounds

New free Delta ticket scam making the rounds

New free Delta ticket scam making the rounds

Those the owners of these fraudulent pages only ask users to comment, like the page and re-post the information, by liking the page you’ll be subject to other kinds of posts these scamsters can post later to get you to give them your information. If you’ve liked any fraudulent pages with posts like the ones above, be sure to unlike the page, report it, and report the fraudulent post by clicking on the top right of the post. Also, you can mark the page as a scam!


Read more: Warning: 3 Facebook scams you want to avoid

How to report the post

New free Delta ticket scam making the rounds

How to report the page

New free Delta ticket scam making the rounds

How to be sure you’re interacting with a legitimate page

Though the offers are enticing, if you see an offer from a company that seems too good to be true, it probably is. But, in order to know for sure, look for the the blue verified badge that should show up next to the company name. This means that Facebook has verified the page has being the official page of the company it is representing.

New free Delta ticket scam making the rounds

New free Delta ticket scam making the rounds

Pages using the name Delta, and even Delta’s logo, without the blue verified button are most likely hoaxes. Stay away from these scams to keep your personal information safe!

Read more: The 10 most common phone scams right now

New app alerts you when a scammer is calling
