Report: The Top 20 Jobs for 2024

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The U.S. economy continues to slightly improve on the jobs front, which is good news for people looking for work. If you’re job-hunting, you may be curious to know what are the top positions in today’s market — and in the future.

A recent report from U.S. News & World Report shows the top jobs for 2024. What’s a “top job”? According to the publication, it’s one that looks good for the future in terms of salary, stability and other factors.

Here Are Some Top Jobs for 2024

To come up with its list, U.S. News determined the jobs with the largest growth prospects from 2021 to 2031 from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

The rankings were determined by weighing a number of factors including median salary, the likelihood of stress and work-life balance.

Let’s take a partial look at the list, which features top jobs, their median salaries, education requirements and their growth prospects over the decade.

OccupationProjected JobsMedian SalaryEducation Level Needed
1. Nurse Practitioner118,600$121,610Master's Degree
2. Financial Manager126,600$139,790Bachelor's Degree
3. Software Developer410,400$127,260Bachelor's Degree
4. IT Manager86,000$164,070Bachelor's Degree
5. Physician Assistant39,300$126,010Master's Degree
6. Medical & Health Services Manager144,700$104,830Bachelor's Degree
7. Information Security Analyst53,200$112,000Bachelor's Degree
8. Data Scientist59,400$103,500Bachelor's Degree
9. Actuary7,000$113,990Bachelor's Degree
10. Speech-Language Pathologist33,100$84,140Master's Degree
11. Marketing Manager23,700$140,040Bachelor's Degree
12. Statistician10,500$98,920Master's Degree
13. Management Analyst95,700$95,290Bachelor's Degree
14. Genetic Counselor600$89,900Master's Degree
15. Operations Research Analyst24,700$85,720Bachelor's Degree
16. Orthotist and Prosthetist1,500$77,070Master's Degree
17. Lawyer62,400$135,740Doctorate
18. Mechanical Engineer28,500$96,310Bachelor's Degree
19. Occupational Therapist16,100$93,180Master's Degree
20. Veterinarian17,700$103,260Doctorate

Read the complete list of best jobs here.

How To Stand Out as a Job Candidate

Roy Cohen, career coach and author of “The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide,” says employers are looking for workers who have demonstrated that they can contribute in a meaningful way.

“Employers want to know that your experience is current, relevant, and consistent,” says Cohen. “They want you to demonstrate that you can hit the ground running immediately and contribute to the bottom line.”

Here are some things you can do to make yourself stand out from other job candidates.

Overhaul Your Resume

To wow the recruiter and hiring manager, you need a resume that is a cut above the rest. If you haven’t updated your resume in a while, now’s a good time to get started.


Does your resume look anything like the one on the left? Then it likely needs an overhaul. Follow Team Clark’s step-by-step guide to resume success right now and beyond.

Sharpen Your Interviewing Skills

Another way to underscore your job readiness is by honing your interview skills. Maintaining eye contact and using keywords will help you state your case to the recruiter or hiring manager.

According to remote jobs site FlexJobs, here are some of the common things employers look for when hiring workers for work-from-home positions:

  • Organizational Skills
  • Written and Verbal Communication Skills
  • Technology Skills
  • Ability to Work Independently

Final Thought

Getting hired today will no doubt take patience and determination — but it’s doable. By putting the tips above to good use, your chances of securing gainful employment should improve.

Where can you find a list of legitimate remote jobs? Read our Work From Home Guide.
