Donate expired coupons to the troops

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We all like to save money, right? Here’s an opportunity to get even more out of your coupon-clipping skills than you thought possible, and help the brave men and women who protect our country at the same time!

Read more: Veterans Day discounts, deals & freebies!

How to send old coupon to the troops

Did you know that military families can use expired coupons for up to 6 months after the expiration date on the coupon in overseas commissaries?

Lynette Rice from has set it up so that her readers can help her support a military base overseas. Her readers can mail her their expired coupons, and she will send them overseas to a base! 

If you’re really wanting to get involved, Dian at Grocery Shop for Free has some great tips for getting involved, and how you can make sure you’re sending the right kinds of coupons. 

And if you’re looking for even more programs to get involved with (you got lotsa coupons, eh?), check out Mary’s resources at Mission To Save

Looking for a group of couponers in your area to create a swap with, or group for sending off expired coupons to the military? Join a local grocery savings workshop in your area so that you can connect with fellow couponers and give back together! 


Read more: State Defense Force sign up

For more money-saving advice for military families, see our Military section!

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