How Much You Need To Save Every Paycheck To Have $1,000 in a Year

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So you want to save money, but don’t know where to start. The key is to start little by little, putting small amounts away when you can.

Money expert Clark Howard says you can do that by having a financial goal in mind — a specific amount you want to save each month or year.

This Simple Math Equation Can Help You Save $1,000 a Year

We’re going to show you a really easy way to make that happen. And the good thing is that you shouldn’t have to dramatically change your lifestyle.

If you want to save $1,000 in a year, all you have to do is follow this simple math equation:

$1,000/Number of paychecks in one year = How much you need to save each paycheck.

Here’s our real-world example: If we assume that you get paid every other week, that’s 26 paychecks in a year. So $1,000/26 = $38.46.

That means that you only need to save about $39 every paycheck to build up a $1,000 emergency fund in a year! Here’s how it works for other common pay periods:

Save From Weekly PaycheckSave From Bi-Weekly PaycheckSave From Monthly Paycheck

Final Thoughts

If you find that saving $39 per paycheck is a financial strain, check out these tips to reduce monthly expenses!

Also, in your journey to save, resist the urge to compare yourself to others. That’s the most self-defeating way to get thrown off track! Instead, set a realistic goal that you can handle without overextending yourself financially.

Read our guide on how to create an emergency fund.
