Looking for work? Here are 4 major job trends for 2019

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If you’re looking for a job or interested in a career change for 2019, there’s no better time to apply for employment than now.

Glassdoor’s recently released annual Job Market Trends Report sheds light on some of the major trends job seekers can expect in the new year. If 2018 is any indication, low unemployment and a strong job market will continue to be a major factor in 2019.

Looking for a job? Here are key changes in the workplace for 2019

“After nine years of steady growth, 2018 saw one of the strongest job markets in a generation. However, the world of work is forever changing. We’re witnessing a power shift as job seekers leverage their market position and employees make an impact with their voice,” Glassdoor Chief Economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain said in a statement.

People looking for work in 2019 will encounter a job market that will look to complement the gig economy rather than replace it. According to the report: “The economy is moving away from these types of simple, routine, and transactional jobs. The fastest growing jobs require institutional knowledge and skills.”

4 job market trends to be aware of for 2019

  • Demand for non-tech workers will increase: Don’t work in tech? No problem! According to the Glassdoor report, tech workers will still be in demand, but job seekers skilled in sales and marketing will be able to reap as employers seek to cash in on their infrastructure investments. In 2018, 43% of “all open jobs at tech employers on Glassdoor were for non-technical roles,” the company says.
  • As older workers age out, talent shortages will be pronounced: As more of America reaches retirement age, the workforce will lose much of its talent. That means productivity and hiring will need to adjust.
  • Companies will look to be recession ready: With the stock market showing signs of a plunge, employers will be tasked with coming up with strategies to weather any downturn. That will obviously affect business decisions such as hiring as well as ripple across the housing market and greater economy.
  • Diversity and inclusion will be a bigger priority: Will 2019 be the year that companies address what Glassdoor calls “systemic corporate cultural problems?” The outlook is that companies are going to have to take a long, hard look at how they appeal to women and underrepresented minority groups in the workplace.

If you haven’t looked at your resume in more than a year, update it so that you’re ready when the perfect job opportunity comes along. Follow our step-by-step resume guide to get started!

RELATED: 25 best LinkedIn profile tips and tricks for 2019
