Disaster preparedness list from the Red Cross

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If a disaster struck, would you be prepared? How should you be prepared? I want to share some info I learned recently from the Red Cross.

My wife is really into disaster plans. We have emergency water and food on hand. We have solar flashlights and LED flashlights that hold their charges for a long time. In short, we are prepared for the unexpected!

But there are areas of preparedness that even people like my wife haven’t thought through. For example, The Red Cross suggests you keep copies of the following documents in a safe place outside of your home in the event your home is destroyed:

  • Driver’s license number and passport
  • Social Security number
  • Mortgage info
  • Homeowner’s insurance policy
  • Car registration
  • Marriage license
  • Tax returns

When it comes to that last category, I have a copy of every return and my accountant has a copy. Then we each have them digitally stored on a disc. (Digital storage as a backup for all documents is a great option.)

These are just a few examples from the many lists of preparedness that the Red Cross complies. (Click the link above for an index of all their lists.)

Having your financial documents in a safe and remote place is really important to picking up the pieces later.

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