Replace lost keys for less money than a locksmith

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TRANSCRIPT: I’ve got a confession for you, I am a flake, you know that! So I tend to be forgetful, lose things like my keys. So I am really intrigued by a new service called KEYME. KEYME allows you to take a picture of a key that you have using their app, and then if you lose a key they’re able to replace it.

If you’re not so phone oriented, they are opening up kiosks in Lowes stores around the country where you can go and store an image of your key so if you ever lose it. With your thumb print they verify that you are who you say you are and they will print out a new key for you right there in the Lowes store. It is a brilliant way to deal with the forgetful in you.

So the app is free but then using the service, well that’s not free. It sure is a lot cheaper than using a traditional locksmith. Right now the app is available for iPhones only. Android apps are supposedly coming soon. I’m Clark Howard

Clark Deals
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