5 ways to get the most life out of your toothpaste tube, ketchup bottle and more

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Are you the type of person who hates to throw something away before you’ve gotten every last drop out of it? It’s like throwing money away, right?

Get your money’s worth out of these 5 products

Fortunately there are some hacks described by Readers Digest that can help you get your money’s worth out of a variety of products. Say goodbye to your cheapskate guilt because you may never have to throw out unused product again!


Need to get a few more strokes of coverage for your eyelashes, but your mascara won’t cooperate? Try adding up to five drops of contact lens solution to the tube. Then cap it back up, shake it and give it a swirl with the wand. Voilà, you’ve just stretched your cosmetics budget!

But note this well: If you’re down to the last few dry clumps of mascara, some experts actually suggest you’d be safer throwing it away. Bacteria breeds easily in dried and clumpy mascara. The recommended lifespan once you open a new tube is three months. If it has a chemical smell, that’s a sign that your mascara has passed its expiration date.


If you want the last few drops of that tomato goodness, pop a straw in until you hit the bottom. You’ll create air pockets by doing so and help the ketchup to come out easily.


It’s the classic battle of the sexes: Once spouse wants to squeeze every last drop out of the toothpaste tube by rolling it up from the bottom, while the other wants to squeeze from the middle.

Listen up if you’re on Team ‘Roll Up’: There’s a way to get even more life out of that toothpaste tube than even you thought possible!

When you think you’ve wrung the toothpaste for all it’s worth, simply get out a rolling pin and make like a steamroller — rolling over the tube on a flat surface with hard pressure while working your way up from the bottom. You’re guaranteed to get one more squirt out of it!


Everybody likes to have hydrated skin. Use the power of heat to get mucho moisturizer out of that bottle that won’t cooperate. Simply pop in a bowl of hot water and leave it for a minute or two. The moisturizer will get liquefied and flow more easily.

Just make sure you don’t make the mistake of putting that lotion bottle in the microwave as a shortcut. Your Tupperware might be microwave safe, but that bottle of Aveeno or Gold Bond or whatever generic brand of moisturizer you prefer certainly isn’t!


BONUS: Make your razor blade last 12 months or longer!

Clark is known for stretching a buck. In fact, he routinely makes his disposable razor blades last for a year or more. So how does he do it?

The key is in what you do with the razor after you’re done shaving. If you dry the blade thoroughly after each use, you prevent moisture from corroding the blade. You’ll find you can go for six, eight or even 10 months on a single disposable razor. Give it a try!

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