New app warns you of imminent car failure

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TRANSCRIPT:  I’d love it if there would be a system that would tell me when my car is starting to misbehave before it gets to a point that it needs major, major work. Do you know that’s possible today? Cars now come with built in diagnostic systems that record what’s going on with the car.
The problem is nobody’s telling you, until now. There’s a startup that has an app called Openbay that will actually check up on your car and let you know whether your car has something wrong with it.
In fact it goes a step beyond that — who knows how this is going to play. It automatically sends out for bids to shops to do minor repairs so that you prevent a big problem happening with your vehicle.
Whether those shops are going to be legit, whether the prices that they come back with are going to be A-OK, who knows? But being able to know right before real trouble starts that your car needs to go in the sick bay. I think is a neat idea.

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