10 most popular gender-neutral baby names

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Shakespeare first posed the question in Romeo and Juliet — What’s in a name?

While we wouldn’t want to put words in the Bard’s mouth, we can tell you what’s not in a name anymore: Gender clues, apparently!

Read more: 26 baby names that spell career success

Unisex baby names gain in popularity

Popular baby-naming site Nameberry noted a 60% rise in the unisex names from 2005 to 2015. The New York Times put together this chart based on Nameberry’s analysis of government data reflecting newborn names.

Without further ado, here are the 10 most popular gender-free names given to newborns in 2015:

Gender-neutral baby names are now all the rage

Meanwhile, if you’re concerned with giving your baby a head-start on a successful career and life, you might consider one of these 26 baby power names. All of them are shared by a preponderance of CEOs, COOs, VPs and presidents today at major U.S. companies.

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